LACE, a.k.a. Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions had a recent performance by Denise Uyehara and James Luna. Here is a description of their performance from the LACE website:
Denise Uyehara and James Luna
Transitions: Survival Skills in a Suburban Landscape. James Luna and Denise Uyehara will revisit Transitions, one of Luna's performances from the 70's in which he unpacked a burlap bag full of “Indian” objects and created new rituals with them. The two artists, both born and raised in Orange County, will conduct a series of rituals that recount surviving life behind the “Orange Curtain,” incorporating a call-and-response, video, music, and hundreds of bones.
Transitions: Survival Skills in a Suburban Landscape. James Luna and Denise Uyehara will revisit Transitions, one of Luna's performances from the 70's in which he unpacked a burlap bag full of “Indian” objects and created new rituals with them. The two artists, both born and raised in Orange County, will conduct a series of rituals that recount surviving life behind the “Orange Curtain,” incorporating a call-and-response, video, music, and hundreds of bones.
I received one of the still images from Denise a couple of days ago. More images are on the way and hopefully I will be able to see some video.
You may have seen the previous blog entries mentioning costumes such as the Tyvek kimono and sleeveless haori/happi made from 1970's vintage fabric? This image is from the most recent performance and shows the sleeveless "haori" I created.
The Tyvek kimono is hanging up behind her. I'll post updates on this performance soon!
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